Gabe Goldberg, (APUG) 
"Gabe's Favorite Utilities" 
At last September's meeting, Gabe was supposed to do 
"Gabe's Favorite Utilities" but because of technical difficulties, 
he ended up doing "Gabe's Favorite Websites".

Since people still wanted to see the original topic, 
Gabe is back this month to do it, "Gabe's Favorite Utilities".
MEETING DATE: April 18, 2014

“Life's too short to live it with just what's built into whichever Windows version you use! I'll talk about favorite utilities  to enhance the Windows "experience" (as Microsoft insists on calling it). But everyone has a unique set of indispensable tools -- so come to the meeting prepared to highlight some of YOURS.”

Here we are finishing up our summer and getting ready for fall. Fall means both an ending and a beginning. We close our pools and harvest our gardens and some of us think about cleaning up our home computer systems. If you are the latter, you are in luck. This month, we have a presentation planned that will satisfy the needs of us home computer users in any season.

Gabe will be at our general meeting to present his favorite utilities for the computer. These are tools that he has used and can recommend, introduce and demonstrate to us and that we can use right away. This is valuable information and something that our users group is very interested in.

Can you just imagine how much knowledge you can gain about keeping your computer and your online activities safe and efficient, and all this in one presentation? Come on out and see for yourself what you can do to enhance your online experience. Gabe’s guidance will enable you to unleash your inner power user.

Most of the following was gleaned from the web. I've just paraphrased to save space, but I do encourage readers to check out the APCUG website for lots more information.

“Gabriel Goldberg is a consultant, writer, and editor, specializing in diverse network and enterprise computing environments.” He has worked in technology and business development and at a non-profit consulting organization data center. He has developed software tools and also designed operating systems at IBM.

Gabe has experience in Internet research, consulting and writing and software and hardware marketing consulting. He has written and edited published articles, and co-edited technical handbooks published by McGraw-Hill.

Gabe has also contributed to AARP’s online computers and technology website and forums. Before that, he worked on America Online’s advanced Internet forum “Pro’s Corner,” and its resources, bulletin boards, software, and interactive chats.

With such an impressive background, Gabe Goldberg continues to work diligently at supporting user groups like BCUG. To sum it up:

“Mr. Goldberg evangelizes for user groups and the Internet -- believing that user groups can be an antidote to feeling alone with technical activities, challenges, problems, and triumphs, and that the Internet is both the largest virtual user group and an excellent antidote to feeling alone, not to mention a way of increasing personal and organizational productivity!”

Finally, Gabe has a B.S. in Mathematics from the Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn. He served for five and a half years as APCUG Region 2 Advisor. He lives in Falls Church, Virginia and enjoys theater (attending and serving on local theater Board), playing Scrabble and Parcheesi, hiking, and volunteering with multiple non-profit technology groups in his spare time.

We are indeed lucky for a chance to meet Gabe Goldberg face to face and take advantage of his vast experience and knowledge. We’ll also learn about software, and techniques we can use right away to help protect our computers, and us as well.

Jo Grazide