Lee Maxwell
"The Basics of Computer and Device Troubleshooting"
MEETING DATE: July 17, 2015

I don’t think of this as just tech support, because that makes it kind of a drudge job. No, for me troubleshooting is like approaching tech support the same way Sherlock Holmes approached detective work: Enjoying the challenge, the opportunity to match wits with your enemy and vanquish it. I know I’m not much like Sherlock Holmes, but I do employ one of his most famous aphorisms when approaching computer problems: “Eliminate all other factors, and the one which remains must be the truth.”

Troubleshooting involves eliminating possibilities until only one remains proven. It also helps to know a lot about the device you work on. Of course, while Holmes would never admit it, troubleshooting also involves, at times, good guess work and intuition.

I plan to talk about the basics of troubleshooting, including knowing what to do and not do in many situations. I will take questions I can answer, and defer those I can’t until I can research it and send you an answer.

OK, about me: I’ve run my own one-man consulting business for about 18 years, and have also taught computer graphics at MCVSD for 11 years. I once was a newspaper reporter and editor. And I’m looking forward to sharing knowledge with you.


Lee Maxwell